
Thursday, April 26, 2012

23 Fantastic Questions To Ask Yourself NOW!

1. Who am I currently modelling?

2. Who has similar things to what I have now?

3. Is this the best person I could choose to model?

4. Am I living a life in line with my values?

5. Am I aware of my behaviour?

6. Do I live with passion?

7. If I wanted to live with more passion, what could I do to create it?

8. What am I curious about?

9. Am I moving away from pain or toward pleasure?

10. Does my language create possibility for me?

11. How can I love myself more today?

12. What would I like to see myself achieve one year from today?

13. What opportunities am I looking for?

14. Am I putting any part of my life on hold?

15. Am I as healthy as I could be?

16. What is missing from where I am now to where I want to be?

17. What am I settling for?

18. Am I holding onto limiting beliefs?

19. How can I change someone's life for the better today?

20. What makes me smile?

21. What am I excited about today?

22. Have I set realistic goals for myself?

23. What else would make today more amazing?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

S.M.A.R.T Goals

As a coach, I am always asking: “How can I assist my client to create change right now?”
During a session, we must work together to be very clear on the desired outcome and direction we are heading in. This way we will know exactly what it (success/the achieved outcome) looks like when we get there. Using the S.M.A.R.T model is a great tool to get to where you want to go faster. 

Here's how it works:

S =     Specific & Simple –e.g. Include specific dates and timeframes use numbers: Example: “It is 2013, it is March, I am…” Describe what you hear/see/feel. Ask yourself: Who is involved? What do I really want to accomplish? Where is it taking place? When do I want it by? Know the specific reasons, purpose and benefit of accomplishing the goal. 

M =     Measurable & Meaningful to you – Not for someone else, just for you – try not to simply keep others happy, focus on what you want. The goal should be important to you. Use numbers and time frames. Ask yourself how will know when it will be accomplished. If you cannot measure it, how will you manage it? You want to be able to see change occur.

A =      As if now & Achievable – Use present tense. The goal needs to be achievable given all the resources available to you. If it is too far out of reach, you probably won't be committed to it. Stretch yourself and enjoy the feeling of achievement.

R =     Realistic & Responsible. If you don’t believe it is realistic, your unconscious mind won’t believe it either. Make it do-able, for example, replace just one 'bad' item/trait/habit with a 'good' item/trait/habit each day, instead of removing it altogether cold-turkey (it would be overwhelming to begin with and may sabotage your success) Gradually build up. Make it challenging but not impossible so you enjoy satisfaction at the realisation of the goal.

T =     Timed - Give it a timeframe stated as simply as possible for your unconscious mind so it can get to work to make it happen. Get clear on when this needs to happen by. Without a time limit, there is no urgency to get started now.

Good luck with all your goals and know that you already have everything you need within you now to get started creating an even more amazing lifestyle! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Behavioural Flexibility...Enjoy Life!

Life is unpredictable. Setting your goals is important in your development and progress but it is essential you keep reviewing your goals and adjusting them to suit your current situation. When things don’t go the way we planned instead of getting flustered and stressed here are some suggestions:
• Get curious about how you respond. Take note of what you do immediately after something happens that you weren’t expecting. It may be hard at first, but in time, you will read the situation for what it is and nothing more. From this calm space you can make rational judgments and decisions. You control
how you feel, not your environment. It’s your choice.
• Know that you are exactly where you need to be at this moment and try accepting the moment for the challenge it offers.
• Imagine what you will know once you have overcome the hurdle you are facing. Take this hurdle in your life as feedback. What is the world trying to tell you? Why?
• Imagine your flexibility in the face of adversity. You will be stronger and have more resources to draw on in the future.
• Rigidity stops the flow of life. The more you resist, the more what you are resisting controls you. Let go of how you think the world should be and accept each moment as it is.
• Try to respond, not react. By trying to control your situation you ultimately let the situation control you and how you feel. Instead, try doing the opposite of what you would normally do -
you will see a difference.
REMEMBER: Enjoy life and know that you already have everything you need right now to create lasting, wonderful, change.