
Saturday, April 21, 2012

S.M.A.R.T Goals

As a coach, I am always asking: “How can I assist my client to create change right now?”
During a session, we must work together to be very clear on the desired outcome and direction we are heading in. This way we will know exactly what it (success/the achieved outcome) looks like when we get there. Using the S.M.A.R.T model is a great tool to get to where you want to go faster. 

Here's how it works:

S =     Specific & Simple –e.g. Include specific dates and timeframes use numbers: Example: “It is 2013, it is March, I am…” Describe what you hear/see/feel. Ask yourself: Who is involved? What do I really want to accomplish? Where is it taking place? When do I want it by? Know the specific reasons, purpose and benefit of accomplishing the goal. 

M =     Measurable & Meaningful to you – Not for someone else, just for you – try not to simply keep others happy, focus on what you want. The goal should be important to you. Use numbers and time frames. Ask yourself how will know when it will be accomplished. If you cannot measure it, how will you manage it? You want to be able to see change occur.

A =      As if now & Achievable – Use present tense. The goal needs to be achievable given all the resources available to you. If it is too far out of reach, you probably won't be committed to it. Stretch yourself and enjoy the feeling of achievement.

R =     Realistic & Responsible. If you don’t believe it is realistic, your unconscious mind won’t believe it either. Make it do-able, for example, replace just one 'bad' item/trait/habit with a 'good' item/trait/habit each day, instead of removing it altogether cold-turkey (it would be overwhelming to begin with and may sabotage your success) Gradually build up. Make it challenging but not impossible so you enjoy satisfaction at the realisation of the goal.

T =     Timed - Give it a timeframe stated as simply as possible for your unconscious mind so it can get to work to make it happen. Get clear on when this needs to happen by. Without a time limit, there is no urgency to get started now.

Good luck with all your goals and know that you already have everything you need within you now to get started creating an even more amazing lifestyle! 

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