
Friday, November 16, 2012

The Joy of Looking Forward

For me, it's that time of year when I start to breathe out after a busy year and begin to make out the blurry edges of my impending holiday. I love the space between now and the following weeks, it takes on a feeling of expectation & dreaminess, wondering what will happen on this long-awaited holiday, what will change, where we will wander, how much I'll love it and tell everyone afterwards that I am definately buying a house there. 
(Every single country I have been to on holiday, I end up wanting to live there within about 2 weeks.)

Something to look forward to is one of my favourite things. Images of meandering holiday adventures creep into my work-day thoughts and a faint smile appears on my face. 

Then....I love the night before, when sleep isn't an option. Except maybe finally after midnight, 1am. 

And then the day arrives! Ah, joy I relax my weary self and re-awaken in a new place, to become a new person, if only for a little while. 

Here's to the joy of looking forward, while also enjoying your present. It's an intriguing balancing act. 

Here's to you and having your something special to look forward to...

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