
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

7 Things That Will Shake Up Your Life...

Ever try being random and just doing a new thing? It could be anything at all. I have compiled a list of 7 random new things to try in your life today, to shake things up a little, (for the better!) 
Keeping in mind...
-You will never know unless you try. 
- If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

1. Create the most empowering song list of all time for your ipod and take it with you  EVERYWHERE and play it as often as you can. 

2. Keep fresh, green food in the fridge. Make an effort for your health. Get rid of processed, packaged 'foods'. Instead eat Kale, Lettuce, Celery, Basil, Parsley, Cucumber, Mint, Broccoli, Beans, Pears, Apples, Limes, etc. Make awesome salads. Get juicing if you want a lovely wake up call in the morning. I have been juicing now for over a year and it's the best thing I have ever done for my health. An example of a great juice to try: 1 x granny smith apple, 1 celery stalk, 4 Kale leaves, 1 x cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 pear, I medium piece ginger, 4 Romaine lettuce leaves. Put it all in the juicer and voila, lovely fresh breakfast. (I sometimes add some beetroot, too)

3. Begin to model those around you who are already getting the results you want. Ask them how they do what they do to get what they have. Interview them. Really examine their processes. If your fitness needs attentions, SEEK out that person who you know has 10/10 fitness. 
Model them = Get same results. Got money issues? Go ask someone who is financially awesome for some tips and do as they do. The areas in your life that are already 10/10 you are already modelling excellence in these areas. Who did you model to get your results? What are your processes? Could you share them with someone else who isn't quite there yet? You will find you already invest a lot of time in the areas of your life that are excellent, so why not spend more time in the areas that need attention to create success in every area of your life? Build your modelling muscle! 

4. Clean your computer files and email inbox. Make it organised once and for all with labelled folders, back-ups, etc. This will save you SO much time in the future. Enough said.

5. Do something each day for someone else. A selfless act. It could be a smile, a thank you, a letter, a card, minding the pets, help with the groceries to the car, a hello, a phone call, a gift. Spread the love. It's contagious.

6. Watch less TV. Do you know how many hours you watch each day? What else could you be doing? Could you be reading instead? Going outside, walking, running, catching up with friends, cooking, catching up on work? Try and be aware of it and see what you can do without as much. (If I was watching TV right now you wouldn't be reading this!)  

7. Refresh your life - If your wallet is old buy a new one. If your clothes need updating, do it. Get a hair cut or a total new style, buy those shoes. Take that class. Wear your jewelry, your good watch. You deserve the best!

So these are 7 things to do to shake up your life a little (or a lot) Good luck! 

If you have any other suggestions for this list, please add them in the comments! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Life is a constantly changing experience, be flexible, ready and open to change in every situation. They say, the person who has the most flexibility controls the situation. When events come around that you weren’t expecting, be open to what the lesson is and go with the flow. The ocean is always changing, the shore is remade every break of every wave. It adapts continually.

Think: Evolution, new & improved products, upgrades, updates, etc. To change is to grow.
Can you remember a time in your life when a situation was out of your control? How did you respond? Did you give up? Get angry? Or did you get on with figuring out a new way forward?
Picture yourself, in the future, dealing with change in a positive light. Smile, take a deep breath (this will change your state immediately and therefore your thinking) and ask yourself: “How else could I solve this?” There is always a solution. Once you accept that fact, things seem to always work out!

In my experience, we are simply used to the usual way of doing things and when they change it takes us a little while to get that there is another way. If you say: “But I always do it that way, that’s the only way!” Ask yourself: “Is it really the ONLY way?” You may be surprised. Flexibility is key to growth. Imagine if we still did things as we did at age 3?
Change highlights our capabilities and just how awesome we humans actually are at adapting.
I dare you to be different! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6 Ways to Love Yourself...NOW!

Self-love is one of the most important things in the world. If we don't love ourselves, how can we love others? 
If you want to love yourself more, ask yourself:

1.What does loving myself get me?

2. What doesn't loving myself get me?

3. What does loving myself not get me?

4. What does not loving myself not get me?

These questions will all give you different answers, so please, ask these questions and answer them truthfully. You may surprise yourself. 

OK, so starting NOW here are 10 ways you can start loving yourself more. (you know you want to!) 

1. Quit seeking approval from outside sources & trust yourself- you may find, that as it was with me, when you are seeking approval from others, you aren't at your happiest. I look at it this way now: If it makes me happy, then that's a good thing. My approval is all I need. People may express their opinions when I tell them what I want to do, that's fine. They may not agree. That's also fine. I just don't let it change my mind. It all begins inside. Trusting yourself is part of loving yourself, so trust yourself - you know what you're doing! 

2. Know you are whole and always have been. This means you aren't broken and you don't need fixing. If you are angry at yourself for things you may have done or not done this will only hold you back. Forgive yourself and know that you did the best you could at the time with what you had. I used to think that all my mistakes would define me. Now I understand that my mistakes made me who I am today. Thank your mistakes and life lessons, learn from them, forgive yourself and anyone else you need to and live in the moment NOW. 

3. Decide to love yourself - This means you decide to cut off any other possibility other than to love yourself. How easy is this one! Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how you make a difference, you are loved, you are a wonderful person. Make self-love mantra's that you read every day to yourself. Out loud. Smile at yourself. Make yourself laugh. You attract who you are, so love yourself and watch the love in your life grow! 

4. Let your inner child out to play - Skip, because no one can skip angry! Paint, roll around on the grass, jump, play hop scotch. Whatever you enjoyed doing as a child, do now. Did you like face painting? Singing? Playing Eye-Spy? whatever it was, bring it back into your life. Begin to play and feel carefree. The joy will come flooding back. 

5. Acknowledge your inner critic - I used to listen to my inner critic and it held me back with important decisions I had to make. I now thank my inner critic, as I know it is just trying to keep me safe from something that may have once scared me or been new to me, but isn't the case now. That inner critic may have served me in the past but it's no longer needed. Simple. 

6. Re-frame any negative self-talk - Example "I'll never be able to do this..." turns into "I may not be able to do this yet, but in time I will." or "I don't like XYZ" can turn into "I'm curious about XYZ and how I feel about it." Give yourself emotional mastery of your self-talk and make your language empower you and nurture you. 

Self-love needs to be a conscious thing. Practice these tips every day and anything else that makes you happy. Start a positive ripple effect in your life now, with self-love and notice the amazing changes that begin to happen, not just to you but in your family and those around you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vision Board on Pinterest

Hello! Today I created my latest vision board on Pinterest. It's full of all the things I love and want to achieve, things that are important and things I want to surround myself with. These are so much fun!
Mine is here:
Yours is waiting to be created.... what are you waiting for?
Come follow me on Pinterest and share the vision!

You are the driver of your BUS!

That's right! you can decide to be happy whenever you want. 

Synopsis: A blog post I was working on  earlier, decided to delete itself. (No, it was me.) 

I could have been upset, yes. I could have felt angry. It was a great blog post with pictures! 

None of that happened though because I chose to be happy instead and get on with it. I asked myself: "How else could I respond to this?" Voila. All better. I broke the pattern. I scratched the record. It gets faster each time I do this. I'm re-training my brain to respond differently to all sorts of old patterns I had. I'm here to serve you in your life and being angry, for me, is not part of the plan! 

Next time the anger monster wants to rear it's ugly head, laugh at it. 
Next time you feel like throwing your computer out the window, just take a deep breath and press control alt delete and get on with it. 

You could play a song, sing a song, go for a walk, smile, take a photo, drink some water, read a funny book, make a mix tape for someone you love, make pancakes or write an awesome email to someone you love. 

It is that easy! The power is yours, it's your bus, drive it. Put your cool bus hat on and drive! Where you go is up to you. 

"You have to take it as it happens, but you should make it happen the way you want to take it."
- Old German Saying.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Modelling Excellence

Who are we modelling in our lives? Who we model gives us the results we are currently getting. 
Look at who you are kissing, like this adorable lizard...

Questions to ask ourselves:

*When answering these questions, focus on who would best serve as your model in your health, relationships, wealth, career & spirituality.*

1. Who am I currently modelling (Be honest-who is it we are modelling to be getting the results we currently have?)
2. Who can I possibly model in my neighbourhood, city, country and entire planet to get me to my goals faster?
3. Who has a great life?
4. What are they reading? 
5. What are they listening to?
6. Who do they hang around with?
7. Am I committed to step up and do this?
8. How will I know I am achieving excellence? 

Once you have the answers, get creative! Create a vision board and get curious. The sky's the limit. Find images, quotes, outcomes that you want to see achieved and place them on your vision board in a place where you'll see it every day. 

You can have as many models as you like. Remember, modelling is a fantastic way to reach our goals faster! 

Act as if you are already experiencing the results you desire! Be pro-active. What areas do you need to change?

Imagine hanging around the people who are already achieving the results you want? (this may require a wardrobe update!) 

I have compiled some fantastic resources here to help you achieve your results faster: Check it out here:

Good luck, have fun and I would love to hear about the people you decide to model (or already do) and how this is getting you fantastic results in your life!