
Friday, November 16, 2012

The Joy of Looking Forward

For me, it's that time of year when I start to breathe out after a busy year and begin to make out the blurry edges of my impending holiday. I love the space between now and the following weeks, it takes on a feeling of expectation & dreaminess, wondering what will happen on this long-awaited holiday, what will change, where we will wander, how much I'll love it and tell everyone afterwards that I am definately buying a house there. 
(Every single country I have been to on holiday, I end up wanting to live there within about 2 weeks.)

Something to look forward to is one of my favourite things. Images of meandering holiday adventures creep into my work-day thoughts and a faint smile appears on my face. 

Then....I love the night before, when sleep isn't an option. Except maybe finally after midnight, 1am. 

And then the day arrives! Ah, joy I relax my weary self and re-awaken in a new place, to become a new person, if only for a little while. 

Here's to the joy of looking forward, while also enjoying your present. It's an intriguing balancing act. 

Here's to you and having your something special to look forward to...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

12 Tips for Getting Things Done

I thought i'd share with you my tips for getting things done. This year I have achieved far more than I ever thought possible, thanks to my perseverance, self-belief, amazing supporters and family. I have checked things off my 'goal' list ahead of time and it feels amazing, knowing that 2013 is fresh and clean! 

I am thinking up new and bigger goals for next year. Now the studies are done I am really excited about my upcoming holidays to New Zealand and Singapore and eventually creating lovely lifestyle products for everyone to enjoy. I will be cosy in my little studio at home, with my music on, sipping my sencha, having lovely full and purpose-filled days.

So, right now, hopefully these tips inspire you to get everything on your to do list done for 2012.   
Below is how I achieved more than I ever thought possible this year.

  •  Get a 90 day goal sheet out and USE it. (email me if you want your own free copy based on the one I use) I had often looked at this but not filled it out. Once I really used it, all the things on my list kept getting done. This tool is simple and easy to use. 
  • Tell people around you when you will have things completed by and make them hold you accountable. Even if you miss a 'due-date' the odds are that you will get more done than not using your support people keeping you on track.
  • When completing assessments/studies/reading/writing tasks have a break every 90 minutes - stretch and do something different, walk around the block, make a cup of tea. 
  • Make sure you drink lots of water/herbal tea.This keeps your mind fresh and alert.My favourites are: Green Tea, White Tea (which has lots more antioxidants than black or green tea) Sencha, ginger with lemon and Cayenne pepper - (great for lessening migraine & joint pain and is a great anti-inflammatory), peppermint, chamomile.
  • Celebrate little milestones with big awareness, make sure you keep reminding yourself why you are doing this in the first place. Picture the reward at the end. Imagine how your life looks once you have achieved your goal. 
  • Hang around people who have already succeeded at what you are trying to achieve and see how it has made things possible in their life. Ask them anything and everything.
  • Keep your vision board up to date and keep adding to it as you go. Add images and quotes, photos, ideas and dreams to it regularly. I use Pinterest for my vision board.
  • Ask people for help and advice as often as you need to or access positive people to inspire you as you go. 
  • Set tiny challenges and keep going, soon the tiny steps will become a huge milestone.
  • Watch comedy movies, listen to uplifting music to keep your spirits up while working away at your goals!   
  • Give your best effort while working towards your goals, because the only person who can get it done is YOU! Give yourself the best chance at success and get plenty of rest & eat well.
  • Back yourself 110% and know you have what it takes to get it done!
Come visit me at for lots more resources and articles, tips and motivation!
Complete a contact form if you would like a FREE 30 minute coaching session with me!

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