
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Get Back Up

Get back up and get back in. It doesn't matter if you didn't get what you wanted or that it didn't go your way. It matters, however, if you get back up and keep going to get yourself to your goal. Some say the harder the goal, the more it matters. Some say, if a thing is easy it's not worth doing. What do you think? 

Whatever your goal, be it small or big, imagine yourself 10 minutes after completing it. Imagine what you are hearing, seeing, what people are saying to you about it. What can happen as a result of completing your goal? 

Are your goals on track? 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Flexibility Trumps Structure...prepare for turbulence

In life, there are no certainties. We must prepare for the bumps along the way as best we can. If we spend a little time thinking about what could possibly come up then we are already planning how to avoid being caught unaware and recover foresight and choice.

Just think: What's the worst case scenario? What would that mean? Can I handle that? What can I do today to make it easier when/if it happens? What would (insert mentor here) do? Can it be avoided? What can be learned from this awareness? 

Be flexible, have behavioural flexibility. Then you will control the situation. Yes, things happen, however it is how you respond to these challenges that matters. Note: Respond rather than react! When you react, you are at effect, you always want to be at cause. You choose what happens in your life, every time whether you acknowledge that or not. Every single action or non-action is your choice. NOT choosing to act is also a choice!

If you accept that that there are no problems, that presupposes that there is only choice. An abundance of it in fact. So accept things are going to happen, respond, ask powerful, quality questions of yourself and be flexible. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7 Ways to Create your Own Luck

My logo for my coaching business is the four-leaf clover. To me, everyone creates their 
own luck and it is my reminder to keep on creating my own luck. Four leaf clovers do exist, 
you just have to be looking for them. You have to accept they are waiting to be discovered. Then all of a sudden you will start seeing them everywhere. 

Here are my top 7 ways to create your own luck. 

1. Look elsewhere - Try looking for what you want in a totally new place, almost the opposite 
of where you would think to look for what you want, notice what's happening, notice who's there, what's being said. Be curious and be open to new ideas. 

2. Turn up. Show up. Attend. Be there. Opportunities missed are lost. You never know if you never go. 

3. Say Yes to things you may have previously said No automatically to. Maybe you're just used 
to saying No without thinking it through. Instead try saying Yes and seeing how that feels. 
Try it on. Be curious to what saying yes to a new opportunity could mean for you and your life. 

4. Make room for new things in your life. De-clutter so new energy can enter your space, new ideas, new possibilities. Re-assess who you are spending your time with - as in, are you 
spending time with people who may be energy drainers or generally negative? Cultivate fresh, positive friendships and connections with like minded people who are on the same wavelength 
you are. 

5. Make the most of the given situation. Decide how you want to experience it. Be flexible, 
know that the people with the most behavioural flexibility hold the power in any situation. 
Create the moment as you want it to be and not the other way around. 

6. Be present in the moment, be aware what is going one around you, you could pick up on something that you may have otherwise missed because you were distracted. Pay attention to the sub modalities people use and listen for what is not being said. Have sensory acuity for the present moment and notice the subtleties that could be the key to getting what you want.

7. Ask the universe and it will conspire for your success. Similar to "what you see is what you get." Focus daily on what you want and your unconscious mind will seek it out for you. 
Remember to always state what you want in the present tense. Say what it is you want 
often. Have a clear picture of what it is you want and also how it will feel and look just after
you have got what you desired.  

Give yourself a head start to creating your own luck by being flexible and curious. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Discovery...Who am I? What do I really want?

Discover your inner strength and take ownership of it. 
I'm interested in what would be useful for you in your life at this juncture.

I want to establish the focus so the shift can occur...

I invite you to stand proud and tall today and appreciate who you are. How far you've come. 

Cast your mind back to a year ago. What were you doing? What were you focusing on? Who was around you? What results were you experiencing? What steps were you taking to get you to this moment? Look at all you have achieved in the last 12 months and really appreciate yourself for that. If you aren't quite there at your goal yet, keep going and know it is only a matter of time. 

Think of all the things you didn't know a year ago and know now. Things you may not have been certain about, but are now. Relationships may have changed, formed, dissolved, grown...

A year ago think about what your first thoughts were as you woke up and went to bed? Have these thoughts changed? Are you aware of them and how they frame your days? Are they the same today or different? Are these thoughts supporting you? Have awareness around your inner dialogue and see how much has changed or needs to change there too. 

Think back to 5 years ago... Notice all that you have learned and given, all you have seen and done, places you have been, people you have met along the way. What decisions you have made to see you here in this moment? 

What will you be doing today that will allow you the future you desire? What will you think like and act like to become your authentic self? 
Who do you want to be? You can be anything you want. What steps have to be followed from today to get you there? Who do you need to be to get what you want? To get you that holiday? That beach house? That relationship? That achievement? That FREEDOM. 

What is freedom to you anyway? 

Some important questions to ask yourself now, in this moment are here:
Discover what makes you tick, discover your true self. Look back upon your journey to today with appreciation and be proud. You have come so far, now get ready to go even farther. 

Get ready to step into your future. 

You are the writer of your story. 

Are you someone who believes motivation comes from within?

If you would like to explore more on this, contact me at: and let's set up a free 30 minute coaching session to get you from where you are, to where you want to be. It's that simple. 

Until next time, 
Phoebe :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

19 Life Skills to Conquer...a start.

19 Life Skills To Conquer…There are many more of course, but this is just to start. They are not in any order of importance. 

How to:
  1. Cook healthy food for yourself, your family
  2. Speak in public
  3. Make a finance budget & control debt
  4. Have meaningful relationships with friends, family and colleagues
  5. Have appropriate etiquette & manners in any situation
  6. Speed read
  7. Be generous
  8. Make ourselves happy
  9. Be physically healthy
  10. Be organised
  11. Know yourself & develop & maintain your values
  12. Create authentic love & romance in your life
  13. Perform CPR & First Aid
  14. Use a computer, type,understand internet/online applications
  15. Remember names
  16. Teach a child to swim
  17. Listen
  18. Be grateful
  19. Give & receive compliments

If any of these areas area challenge for you, or something you haven't mastered yet, how could you possibly become an expert in it? Ask yourself "What could I do to ensure I am capable and confident in this area?" 

Other ideas you could try could be to:

Google everything you can on the subject, 
Read up on it in the library, 
Ask bazillion questions on the subject, 
Sign up for a class, 
Ask friends and family with those skills to teach you how they do it (model them) 
Hire a coach!  
Get curious!

Imagine how much knowing these 19 life skills will enrich your life!? 

If you are looking at this list and know you are competent/confident around these areas, is there someone in your life that you could possibly TEACH any of these life skills to? 

How valuable would that be! 

What would it mean to you and your family knowing these skills? 

Feel free to add more to the list in the comments. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The State We Are In...

State refers to our mental and physical processes we experience at any moment. 
Our state depends on our interaction with the external environment, how well our bodies are functioning and our thinking (including emotions). It acts as a kind of filter on our interpretations of our experiences. 

If we are tired and hungry, we are likely to be less tolerant of challenges. If we are rested and content we are more likely to rise to challenges, seeing them as opportunities instead.

These interpretations then affect behavior and choices. For example: If we are exhausted, 
we may choose sleeping in over a networking breakfast/run/etc.

State is important because it generates the outcome you are getting. 

Being able to access different states through anchors allows us to be able to instantly 
change our current state and create better results without over-reacting to what is happening around us.

What state are you in today? Make sure it's amazing! 
**Awareness is golden**

Personal Power

Have you ever wondered where personal power comes from? I have...
Personal power is knowing what you do well and knowing what you don't do well and 
learning what to do next. you must learn all the skills methodically. It gives you tremendous freedom to learn the right skills in the right way and manifest great things in your life.

One gets personal power by acknowledging one already posesses it. 

Rather than thinking of it as something you have to aquire, think of it as something you already have and just need to remember how to use what you already have. You must be willing to stretch yourself constantly in order to fully understand your spiritual experience. You must take 100% responsibility for your life and your results, otherwise you are just giving away your personal power. You need to ask yourself powerful questions aimed at getting different results. A great personal power question is "What will I do differently next time to get the result I want?" 

The answer to that question is the start of massive growth! 

Until next time, 

Live it up! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

21 of The Best Tips I have been Given...

1. Never let yourself feel inferior to anyone
2. Always shine as bright as you want to - take chances.
3. Take care of yourself & your health
4. Help others
5. Listen to others
6. Keep going especially when it's challenging
7. Set 90 day goals to stay on track and get results faster
8. Honour your promises
9. Be creative and indulge in your passions & hobbies
10. Always trust your intuition
11. Let go of past anger and make peace with it as it doesn't serve you today
12. Do nice things for others without expecting anything in return
13. Have fun wherever possible
14. Write snail mail letters
15. Get rid of things that aren't making you smile, bringing you joy or being beautiful
16. Life is a school and you are here to learn
17. Love, love & more love
18. Give up nagging
19. Be yourself
20. Live outside of your comfort zone
21. Treat yourself, you ARE worth it.

Monday, June 4, 2012

My new book is here!

ocean.river.sea by Phoebe Hackett | Make Your Own Book

Hi all,
I am excited to show you a preview of my new book of quotes called "Ocean.River.Sea."

I took these photos while travelling overseas in the last year.

You can order a copy for yourself or order it as a gift for a loved one, even download it as an ebook. Just click on the link above.
