
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Modelling Excellence

Who are we modelling in our lives? Who we model gives us the results we are currently getting. 
Look at who you are kissing, like this adorable lizard...

Questions to ask ourselves:

*When answering these questions, focus on who would best serve as your model in your health, relationships, wealth, career & spirituality.*

1. Who am I currently modelling (Be honest-who is it we are modelling to be getting the results we currently have?)
2. Who can I possibly model in my neighbourhood, city, country and entire planet to get me to my goals faster?
3. Who has a great life?
4. What are they reading? 
5. What are they listening to?
6. Who do they hang around with?
7. Am I committed to step up and do this?
8. How will I know I am achieving excellence? 

Once you have the answers, get creative! Create a vision board and get curious. The sky's the limit. Find images, quotes, outcomes that you want to see achieved and place them on your vision board in a place where you'll see it every day. 

You can have as many models as you like. Remember, modelling is a fantastic way to reach our goals faster! 

Act as if you are already experiencing the results you desire! Be pro-active. What areas do you need to change?

Imagine hanging around the people who are already achieving the results you want? (this may require a wardrobe update!) 

I have compiled some fantastic resources here to help you achieve your results faster: Check it out here:

Good luck, have fun and I would love to hear about the people you decide to model (or already do) and how this is getting you fantastic results in your life! 

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