
Friday, July 27, 2012

Are you playing it small?

What is holding you back? Or should I say, what are you CHOOSING to be held back by?

In life there are those who play it big, take risks, make the rules, get things done, challenge themselves no matter what the odds...Then there are those who are playing it small. So small they are able to justify to themselves that they 'can't, don't know how, ' etc. and them miss out on all of life's amazing gifts.

We have to constantly ask ourselves: Are we choosing to play it small? What is the benefit of that? Could it be so we perhaps don't get to mess it up? Where's the learning in that? (Tell me, I want to know!)

Playing it small can mean choosing to re-run the same old patterns (we all know what they are!) just to avoid something avoid fear perhaps? If you are afraid of making mistakes don't be! Mistakes are what real life is made up of and they should be made else would we learn or even get any feedback? At least when we give it a go, we are doing something and not avoiding something. 

There is pure joy in action. There is such a relief in doing something that has previously had a hold over us. Once we find out the logic behind our decision to play it small, the rest is easy.

We could be playing it small by choosing to hide instead of to be seen (to avoid being 'judged' by others?) Sound familiar? 

When we fear being judged by others, we are simply putting our own 'what-if''s' into the scenario, that may not even be there at all. How do we know what other people think at any one time? 

What if thinking that you may be judged is the one thing stopping you from giving it a go? (therefore justifying not having to do anything and avoiding more and more.) 

When we are doing our best, when we are in the moment, when we are being real and sincere, when we are testing our ability, when we are helping someone else, when we are honest, when we support someone, when we sacrifice for something, when we do something because we know we must, when we simply take action...where is the judgement in that?

Get what I mean? Is the pain of staying the same getting worse than the (supposed) pain of changing? 

What would it mean in your life if you just did what it was you have been putting off or fearing? More importantly....What could it mean for your future? What would it mean you could do? 

1 comment:

  1. I have to let you know that I appreciate your post so much. This time I can’t let my irrational fear of failure hold me back. I will be what I’m meant to be.
