
Monday, July 2, 2012

Where Does Your Imagination Take You?

How often do you let yourself imagination take flight? To a place where there is no money, no time, no permission needed, no limitations, no expectations and certainly no doubt or fear. 
Where does your imagination take you when everything is possible? How can you imagine to bring more of that into your everyday life? What changes need to be made so your life reflects more of you rather than accepting what comes up as something needing to 'get through'?

When do you sit and focus on what's missing between where you are today and where you want to be? Where you can see the gap and what you need to do to jump across it. 

In that place, between A and B there lies potential. You can make it easy or hard. Fast or slow. Exciting or mediocre. I am talking about the journey between A and B and what you want that to look like. Once you realise you are in control of that journey, you will see that you can create the way forward any way you like. You can even dance between A and B if that is what you want. 

Take time to acknowledge that the journey is the key, the learning, the answer and not the actual destination. Because once you get to your destination, then the adventure just begins again, except this time you will be standing at C trying to get to D. Perfect the way you travel. 

In our lives we choose everything including the results we are currently getting. Our results are serving us on some level whether this is easy to accept or not. 

Take time to see what is it you really want and then take the steps to achieve it. Design your ideal life. If something isn't working, find out what it is that needs changing to suit you more. 

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